Riparian and Deltaic Areas Ecology and Management


6 Months

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Riparian and Deltaic Areas Ecology and Management

Riparian and Deltaic Areas Ecology and Management


Zaimes George


Specialization Water excess

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Riparian areas and deltas are unique semi-aquatic ecosystems that offer essential services to humans for their well-being. These ecosystem services are well-known and have been utilized by humans for thousands of years and are the reason for the substantial degradation. Climate change is also expected to put additional pressures on these ecosystems. To sustain them monitoring and innovative management techniques are required. In addition, an understanding of their unique characteristics is essential. Finally, emphasis will be given to learning easy to use tools and protocols to monitor them along with best management practices to promote their conservation.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the uniqueness of riparian areas and deltas
  • Learn the anthropogenic and climate change pressures that these areas face
  • Train on tools and protocols for the monitoring of the unique ecosystems
  • Understand the current EU and national directives and legislation on the protection of these ecosystems
  • Best management practices for riparian areas and deltas

Learning Goals

On completion of this module, students are expected to be able to:

  • Disseminate the importance of these ecosystems to policy makers and stakeholders
  • Develop sustainable management plans to utilize the ecosystem services of riparian areas and deltas
  • Implement best management practices to protect and conserve riparian areas
  • Implement tools and protocol to evaluate the conditions of riparian areas and deltas


6 credits


  1. National Research Council. Riparian Areas: Functions and Strategies for Management. National Academies Press. pp.444 (2002).
  2. R.J. Naiman, H. Décamps M.E. McClain. Riparia — Ecology, Conservation and Management of Streamside Communities. Elsevier Academic Press, pp. 448 (2005).
  3. F. Ahlhorn. Integrated Coastal Zone Management: Status, Challenges and Prospects. Springer Vieweg pp. 216. (2017).

Our Main Teachers

Zaimes George

Assistant Professor


Επίκουρος Καθηγητής

Βιολογία Άγριας Ζωής-Εκτροφία θυραμάτων- Τμήμα Δασοπονίας και Διαχείρισης Φυσικών Πόρων

Price : 550 $

Difficulty : Semester B’

Typology : Specialization Water excess
